How Do You Get Solar Nails?

Having French nails is an easy endeavor to engage in and you have the option of doing it yourself at home with a few easy tips. The primary task is to clean your fingernails well; remove any remnants of nail polish and the like; also, file your nails into shape. Not accomplishing this preliminary requirement will only lead to unpleasant outcomes where time and effort will surely be wasted. 

It is important to soften the cuticles as making French nails require trimming any excessive skin along the nail. Doing the trimming without softening the cuticle first will only result in possible cuts surfacing later on. 

Prepare the cuticle by gently pushing the cuticles back with an orange stick; the first time you try doing this, you might encounter a lot of cuticle; simply use some cuticle remover to manage this. Take some time when managing cuticle build up in order to limit any possible wounds that may surface as you do the task; see as it delivers better results when doing French nails. 

Rub your fingernails with hand cream and let the cream seep in; it would probably take a couple of minutes, then wipe off any cream residue; a piece of tissue will work fine. To protect the cuticles you have just worked on, hand cream is necessary; the hand cream also serves a second purpose of keeping the fingernails moist enough. When this step has been accomplished, now is when you decide in relation to what nail polishes you will be using. 

You can start putting color on your French nails; a clear basecoat is the first thing to apply; remember to let the nails dry completely after application. A basecoat is needed before any other color is painted on because it serves as the base for whatever the final look will be. It is a basic fact that polish should be allowed to dry after each coat is applied to achieve a clear and balanced look among the fingernails; no lumps whatsoever are formed this way. 

When the basecoat has been allowed to dry, a thin layer of polish can now be applied over the base; a polish with a pale hue is often the color of choice here; one which matches the color of the nail. Finally, to achieve the look of French nails it is now the time to apply the white strip on the end of the fingernails.

Painting the tips completes the French manicured style; coats of opaque colored polishes are applied in contrast with the pale foundation; you can never go wrong with white or beige nail polish for this step. Similar to the former applications of polish, let each coat dry completely before applying the second or third layers of polish to achieve a better overall look. Usually, French nails are done by painting a strip of white polish straight across the nail but you can opt to go with the natural curve of the nails when you apply the coats so as to make your nails appear longer. 

Finish your French nails with a clear coat of polish to protect the layers underneath. Use an orangewood stick and a piece of cotton moistened with polish remover to remove any errors around the nail plate. It will now take a longer wait before you can start using your hands, about an hour or so; to achieve wonderful nails be sure not to ignore this crucial step in the overall process.